FAQ and How-To's

FAQ 2017-11-18T21:09:48+00:00
How do I add an item to the Favorites? 2018-07-17T21:45:50+00:00

If you are on an item’s single view page, you can click the “…” header button in the top right corner. It will reveal a star favorite button among the options.

If you are on the Foods or Meals tab view of all your saved items, you can swipe the item left to reveal a Favorite buttton as well
Can’t Access Purchase on IOS 2018-02-07T05:11:11+00:00

Restoring In-App Purchases

If you’re unable to restore in-app purchases for MyKeto, please make sure that you have performed the following actions:

  • Check that you are signed in with the same Apple ID
  • Re-log into your Apple ID and try again (Settings > iTunes & App Store)
  • Check to see that your in-app purchases are not hidden on any of your devices: (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201322)
  • Reinstall the app
  • Restart your iOS device
  • Go to the in-app store and tap on “Restore Purchase” to regain the items again


Contact Apple Support

Please contact Apple support if the above options are ineffective. Make sure to provide them the order number on the receipt.


I forgot my password, how can I reset it? 2017-11-28T18:11:03+00:00

To reset your password, go to the login page and click on the Help ( ? ) button text near the bottom.

When the pop-up menu opens, select Reset Password to pull up the password reset form.

Fill in your email used to sign up originally, and submit the form. An email will be sent to it with instructions on how reset, and this email does have a time expiration on it so be sure to use it asap.

Can I connect my fitbit or other fitness tracker device? 2017-11-28T02:28:36+00:00

Currently, we do not support fitness trackers or app implementations. We are working on integrating the most popular ones right now, but if you would like to recommend one please send us a message on the contact page.

Does your food database have international food brands? 2017-11-28T02:27:01+00:00

Due to the large cost of licensing an international food database, we are currently limited to mainly USA branded foods when you use our search and barcode functions. However, this doesn’t mean you wont be able to search and find generic “non-branded” item data for foods such as Bacon, Cream, or Broccoli. You will also still be able to create your own foods and recipes from scratch.

However, in the near future we plan to offer international food databases for certain countries such as the UK, Australia, and Canada.

How can I sync my data across devices? 2017-11-28T02:20:26+00:00

If you have purchased the tracker on IOS, you can access your data across all your devices on IOS. To use it on those devices, simply click Restore on the purchase page of additional devices to gain access.

If you purchased the tracker on Android, your devices should automatically restore the tracker on additional devices as long as you are logged into the same Google account that made the original purchase.

Unfortunately, Google and Apple do not communicate together and share purchase history. So if you purchase on IOS, it does not translate over to Android and you would have to purchase twice (and vice versa).

If you use the same login credentials, your user tracking data will sync across all devices, both Android and IOS

How To Copy/Save A Log Entry (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks) 2017-11-28T02:16:14+00:00

If you have a logged meal time (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) that you would like to copy over to another meal time or date, then it can be done by simply clicking the “…” button in the top right corner of the log meal box.

When the pop-up options appear, simply click Copy Meal to copy the exact items to another time/date. Select Save meal to combine all the logged items into a single meal that you could easily add to your daily log instead of repeatedly copying every day.

How to enter a recipe 2017-11-26T21:37:58+00:00

To enter a recipe/meal, you can go to the Meal tab via the Manage side-menu option or when you are adding a food to the Log. Simply click the Create button at the top of the screen to get started.

A popup box will appear for you to enter the name of the new meal/recipe you are creating

After submitting the popup box, you will be redirected to the blank single meal/recipe page that was just created. In order to start editing your meal, you need to click the blue pencil button in the top right, this enables “Editing Mode”

With Editing Mode enabled, you can now edit the Name, Serving Name, Total Servings Made, and the actual Ingredients (food items) that the meal holds.

Click the blue + button to start adding ingredients. Ingredients can come from all the sources that you can normally add foods to your log. From left to right on the action button: Quick Macros, Search Foods, Scan Foods, Saved Foods, Saved Meals.

Here is an example of adding previously created custom foods to your meal/recipe.

When you are done adding foods, simply click the green Save button and your meal will be ready for use. If you find that you need to delete or update your ingredients and amounts, you can click the red minus button to completely remove an item OR you can click on the ingredient itself to pull up an edit screen.

Upon saving the meal, you will see that 1 serving is automatically calculated based on the total number of servings that the meal/recipe is supposed to make.

How do I get started tracking my foods? 2017-11-24T19:16:26+00:00

1. After signing up for an account with MyKeto, it is recommended to use the Macro Calculator from the side-menu. From there you can calculate your personal daily Calories, Fats, Net-Carbs, and Proteins to be used as your goals.

If you already know your macros, you can enter them manually in the Settings by just clicking on any of the blue numbers under the Daily Macro Goals. Your personal macro calculator goal options will also show up for use under the Suggested Macros section.

2. With your macro goals set-up, you can simply go to the home Log and click on “+ Add Food” to each respective meal to log food entries to it.

On the Add Food page, you can select from Search, Barcode, Food, Meal, Favorites, and Recent.

  • Search – Search our online food database provider (FatSecret) for hundred of thousands of USA brand name and ordinary foods.
  • Barcode – Scan any USA branded barcode to easily add it to your daily log
  • Food – Can’t find a food in the database or need to create one yourself? Use the Create Food option to easily create a new item that lets you enter Name, Fats, NetCarb, Protein, and extra calories if needed. This option is best if you just need a simple item that you add often.
  • Meal (aka Recipe) – The meals are combinations of foods. Simply create a new meal and it will direct you to its macro page. From there, you can add food items to a meal and set the total amount of servings that it is supposed to make as a whole.
  • Favorites – You can click on the star in the top right corner of any single search/food/meal page to add that item to your favorites. You can also add an item to a favorite by swiping it on the list archive view. All of your favorites will show up on this tab for easy access.
  • Recent – Any time you add an item to your daily log, it will also be added to this recently used tab.

3. To prevent having to go through “+ Add Food” every time to create a Food or Meal, you can simple go to the Manage side-menu option.

Barcode scanner doesn’t work 2017-11-18T21:08:00+00:00

Make sure in your phone’s settings => Apps that you have allowed the Camera usage to MyKeto. We ask you with a pop-up when the app firsts opens up to allow access, but you can always change this in your phone’s settings

All my data is gone 2017-11-18T21:06:19+00:00

Try logging out from the settings menu and back in. If your data still does not appear please contact us and we can further inspect it. We back up our database everyday so you will never truly lose all your data.

Login error says my account does not exist anymore 2017-11-18T21:05:46+00:00

This is a bug in Google’s database that we use. In almost all cases your account data is still there and when we look it up we can see it. Try resetting your password and logging in again, if that doesn’t work send us an email and we can further assist.

Can’t login with facebook anymore 2017-11-18T20:57:21+00:00

This can happen due to a authorization bug with Facebook. Go to facebook.com in the top right corner there is a settings link. Go to the settings page, and on the left side there is an App page. On the app page, delete MyKeto and you will be able to login again from inside the App with Facebook and see all your original data still.